Calculate a mediation analysis for an SEM based on a lavaan model.
Calculate a mediation analysis for an SEM based on a lavaan model.
- mod
A fitted SEM model (lavaan).
- indep
A string indicating the name of the independent variable in the model.
- med
A string indicating the name of the mediator variable in the model.
- dep
A string indicating the name of the dependent variable in the model.
- standardized
A boolean indicating whether the coefficients should be standardized. The default value is F.
- mcreps
An integer determining the number of monte-carlo samples.
- approach
either 'bk' or 'zlc' or both c("bk", "zlc") (default)
- p.threshold
A double giving the p-value for determining whether a path is significant or not
- effect.size
calculate different effect-sizes; one or more of "RIT", "RID"
mod.txt <- "
read ~ math
science ~ read + math
mod <- lavaan::sem(mod.txt, data=rmedsem::hsbdemo)
out <- rmedsem(mod, indep="math", med="read", dep="science",
standardized=TRUE, mcreps=5000,
approach = c("bk","zlc"))
#> Significance testing of indirect effect (standardized)
#> Model estimated with package 'lavaan'
#> Mediation effect: 'math' -> 'read' -> 'science'
#> Sobel Delta Monte-Carlo
#> Indirect effect 0.2506 0.2506 0.2506
#> Std. Err. 0.0456 0.0456 0.0451
#> z-value 5.5006 5.5006 5.5714
#> p-value 3.79e-08 3.79e-08 2.53e-08
#> CI [0.161, 0.34] [0.161, 0.34] [0.165, 0.338]
#> Baron and Kenny approach to testing mediation
#> STEP 1 - 'math:read' (X -> M) with B=0.662 and p=0.000
#> STEP 2 - 'read:science' (M -> Y) with B=0.378 and p=0.000
#> STEP 3 - 'math:science' (X -> Y) with B=0.380 and p=0.000
#> As STEP 1, STEP 2 and STEP 3 as well as the Sobel's test above
#> are significant the mediation is partial.
#> Zhao, Lynch & Chen's approach to testing mediation
#> Based on p-value estimated using Monte-Carlo
#> STEP 1 - 'math:science' (X -> Y) with B=0.380 and p=0.000
#> As the Monte-Carlo test above is significant, STEP 1 is
#> significant and their coefficients point in same direction,
#> there is complementary mediation (partial mediation).
#> Effect sizes
#> RIT = (Indirect effect / Total effect)
#> (0.251/0.631) = 0.397
#> Meaning that about 40% of the effect of 'math'
#> on 'science' is mediated by 'read'
#> RID = (Indirect effect / Direct effect)
#> (0.251/0.380) = 0.659
#> That is, the mediated effect is about 0.7 times as
#> large as the direct effect of 'math' on 'science'