Highlight changes with latexdiff


August 25, 2014

Highlight changes with latexdiff

Have you ever been asked to provide a resubmission with "changes highlighted"? Or have you ever received a modified version of your latex file and wanted to see the changes in a PDF version?

Well I have and here's my solution.

I use to track my papers with git which makes the whole process of integrating your co-authors opinions a breeze.

I will just guide you through the process beginning at zero:

  1. do the research
  2. when ready to write the paper, make a new directory and initialize it with git
mkdir awesome_paper
cd awesome_paper
git init
  1. create your paper, images and whatnot. Log changes into git with
git add paper.tex
git add pics/*.pdf
git commit -a -m "your commit message goes here"
  1. send your version to your co-authors and receive feedback paper_with_some_changes.tex
  2. use latexdiff to create a nice highlighted PDF
latex-diff paper.tex paper_with_some_changes.tex > paper_diff.tex
pdflatex paper_diff.tex

5. submit your paper to your journal of choice (e.g., the Journal in Support of the Null-Hypothesis)

  1. receive angry feedback from the reviewers
  2. before hacking your paper in reply to the undoubtedly ill-informed and biased crangling of the reviewers, tag the paper to make sure you find the version you submitted
git tag first_submission
  1. hack your paper and shut up those ignorant reviewers
  2. being forced to resubmit a "changes highlighted" version of your paper (driving home the point how much you had to mutilize your beautiful paper), do the following:
git show first_submission:paper.tex > paper_firstsub.tex 
latexdiff paper_firstsub.tex paper.tex > paper_diff.tex
pdflatex paper_diff.tex
bibtex paper_diff
pdflatex paper_diff.tex
  1. submit and keep your fingers crossed!

I like to put the last block of commands into a Makefile such that all you have to do is a

make first_diff  # results in highlighted version
make             # results in clutter-free paper

Here is the Makefile:


$TARG.pdf: $TARG.tex myrefs.bib
     pdflatex $TARG.tex
     bibtex $TARG.tex
     pdflatex $TARG.tex

     git show first_submission:$TARG.tex > $TARG_firstsub.tex 
     latexdiff $TARG_firstsub.tex $TARG.tex > $TARG_diff.tex
     pdflatex $TARG_diff.tex
     bibtex $TARG_diff
     pdflatex $TARG_diff.tex

You might want to look at latexdiff's -t switch. You can change how deletions and additions are displayed in the final PDF.